Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A nice little update on my life here

Hello again all you lovelies. Since I've last talked about my adventures in Venice quite a bit has happened. I still really like school even though I'm starting to get more work everyday. I spend the majority of my time there following the English teachers(there are about 6) around and talking to their classes. This lets them put their feet up, and allows me to meet more kids in the school. They ask me all sorts of questions such as "What do you think about Italy", "Have you chosen a soccer team yet"(I did, and I've decided to go with Inter), "what do you usually do when you're not at school", stuff like that. I even get to help teach the classes sometimes. My greatest fear is that they will point out a grammatical or spelling error(You've probably noticed that mine isn't that fantastic anymore) because I'm a native speaker and NATIVE SPEAKERS SHOULDN'T MAKE MISTAKES!!
I still haven't been able to use the photo lab to develop my negatives but the teacher promised me that after xmas break its all mine. This past week leading up to xmas break has probably been the most eventful because well alot has happened..I've gone to the theater twice with my school (I've seen the Mandragola by Niccolò Machiavelli and Hamlet) Going to see hamlet was an interesting experience because it was a one man(or woman )show, it was narrated the whole time by one person. Poor thing must have been exhausted by the final curtain. She spoke at a speed that would make auctioneers jealous so naturally I didn't understand much apart from "Essere o non essere, questo è il problema". I guess she was quite the little comedian though because she had the audience was laughing 80% of the time.
I've also had several lavishly lovely lunches(ahah try saying that 10 times fast) at my friends houses after school. Their moms would spoil me with fresh foccocia,lasagna,roasted chicken and vegetables,the works. This weekend, I took the train up to Monza for a Rotary lunch at a lovely Rotarian villa that had a church inside! I don't think I've told you much about the other exchange students here. The majority of the kids here are American, but we come from all around the country. I now know kids from California,North Dakota, New York, Oklahoma, Colorado,Arizona, Virginia, and Hawaii. We also have a lovely girl from Mexico,2 awesome Aussies,a sweet girl from Germany, and an adorable Japanese boy named Ryoto. Before lunch we went to mass in a very cold church without doors or windows(It was freezing in there but it was still, a really nice service). Later we defrosted in front of a large and in charge space heater,and walked up a set of stairs to a very big room with quite lovely architecture and ceiling art where we would lunch.Yesterday I went out for Mexican food with John(Oklahoma),Mary(California),Cecilia(Mexico),and Kailie(Aussie). As delicious as all the pasta and homemade bread that I have been pretty much inhaling since I've gotten here, we all needed a break, and a taste of something familiar that we all miss dearly here..SPICY FOOD. It really hit the spot. Thats all the time I have for now.. Pictures are coming soon to a computer screen near you.