I'm back to this blogging thing after popular demand, and a few tar and feather threats. I have quite a bit of catching up to do for you well because quite a bit has happened. About a month ago I changed into my second host family out of three in total. My new family is really nice and we seem to be off to a great start.That might be because my new house is HUGE! It has 4 floors,a movie theater screen,an elevator,two kitchens,tons of bathrooms,you get the drift.All are quite interested in art,music,movies,and photography which is a nice plus. The family consists of Fabio,Chiara,and three kids. One is doing rotary exchange in California
I have 2 older host sisters Valeria 21,and Sylvia 19 who both did rotary exhchange in America a few years back. Probably my favorite thing about this new house is that it is so close to my school. Anyone back home who has ever been given the dangerous challenge to try to wake me in the morning ,can imagine why this excites me so much because I get to sleep in just that much longer. I really don't know what else to write about so I'll just post some pics for now.

My bathroom
My bedroom